Do blogs for Self Storage websites work? It’s a question often asked of us at R6 Web Design™ and the answer is different each time!

The reality is that blogs for Self Storage websites serve a number of specific functions.

  1. They educate. Blog stories can be educational, informative and deliver real information to the reader, especially if they’re in the ‘research phase’ of moving or relocating. Self Storage doesn’t have wide acceptance or knowledge in the marketplace and your website can benefit benefit from well-written, rich content blogs that deliver real information about your rental offers.
  2. They notify. Targeted blog stories, especially those with directional information can inform potential users of looming events, service changes, or events. Correctly tagged, these blogs can be found by search engines and may even be used by Google’s new Rich Snippet service. Blogs about new units or new merchandise offerings are ideal.
  3. They deliver authoritative content. Specific blogs on Self Storage topics with well-researched content deliver information to readers and searchers for Self Storage. Google’s search engine will reward Self Storage websites with authoritative content that answers searchers Self Storage questions.
  4. They deliver content change. Nothing is worse than a stale Self Storage website. Searchers look for new information, especially those searching for information for Self Storage spaces close to them.
  5. They inform. Self Storage sites should use blogs and news stories to keep followers, storers, and interested people informed on new offers and deals. Followers expect it. Bad news should travel as fast as good news too. If you have to close for any reason, inform the market fast.

How do I get a good blog story for my website?

A word of caution: Whilst you can find a blog writer on most shop corners, specific topics need specific writers. Blog stories can cost between $10 and $500 depending on the complexity of the topic. Keyword density is important along with relevance as well.  Well-researched specific Self Storage news and blogs is the speciality of R6 Web Design™. We have written hundreds of them.

AtR6 Web Design™, we have a team of writers who provide specialist Self Storage content that assists Self Storage websites to deliver authoritative content for websites. Ask us about how we can improve your Self Storage websites ranking with our authoritative Self Storage blogs. So, do blogs work for Self Storage websites?


Read more articles on Self Storage Startup to learn more about the Self Storage industry.